Most Venerable Senior Bhikkhuni
Dhammawati Guruma
Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dhammawati Guruma, the Abbes – Dharmakirti Vihar in Kathmandu, Nepal. Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dhammawati Guruma is known to all of us as an indomitable, brave, fearless, and selfless embodiment of equality, morality, and religious dedication. She is renowned for her various titles, such as Sasandhaja Dhammacarya Aggamamahaganthavacha Pandit and Bhashathuva. She epitomizes mercy, love, and compassion, working tirelessly to perpetuate Buddhist teachings in Nepal. After achieving the title of Sasandhaja Dhammachariya in Myanmar, she returned to Nepal with a Burmese nun, Ma Gunawati, who later became popular as Maguna Guruma. Together, they initiated transformative changes in the socio-cultural and religious spheres. In 1965, Venerable Dhammawati established Dharmakirti Vihara in the heart of Kathmandu, marking the first active and versatile nunnery in Nepal. She shifted the concept of a nunnery from a place of spiritual and religious prayers to a “Dynamic Learning Center.”

Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dhammawati Guruma is known to all of us as an indomitable, brave, fearless, and selfless embodiment of equality, morality, and religious dedication. She is renowned for her various titles, such as Sasandhaja Dhammacarya Aggamamahaganthavacha Pandit and Bhashathuva. She epitomizes mercy, love, and compassion, working tirelessly to perpetuate Buddhist teachings in Nepal. Who is she, and what kind of personality does she have? I have tried to present what I understand about her in the main points below.
- Early Life – Dhammmavati Guruma was born on the day of Asar Purnima in 1991 V.S. (1934 A.D.) to father Harshman Shakya and mother Herathanku Shakya in Okubahal, Lalitpur. Named Putri Ratna at birth, she showed early signs of her future path.
- Journey to Burma – At the age of 14, she left for Burma to study Buddhism, informing only her mother and brother, while her father remained unaware. Before reaching Burma, she was ordained in Kushinagar, India, by a Burmese monk named Dhammabudh.
- Return to Nepal – Despite being asked to stay in Burma due to her oratory skills, she chose to return to Nepal to promote Buddhism and raise awareness among Nepali women confined to their homes. She returned to Nepal in 2020 V.S. (1963 A.D.) with Guruma Gunavati.
- Spreading Teachings – Upon her return, she began giving religious sermons in various places. Her ability to explain Buddha’s teachings in a simple, accurate manner gained her widespread admiration. Her sermons became highly popular, enlightening many and establishing her as a prominent religious leader.
- Educational Influence – Known for her multifaceted talents, she is highly respected among Nepalese nuns. Her teaching methods are practical and effective, particularly focusing on children. She believes that if children are educated well from an early age, they will grow up to be responsible and contributive citizens.
- Views on Superstition – In many Nepali societies, women face restrictions during menstruation, including being prohibited from worship. Guruma considers these restrictions superstitious, advocating that menstruation is a natural process and should not hinder any activities, including worship. She is an articulate, inspiring, and skilled guide.
- Honors and Recognition – In 2051 V.S. (1994 A.D.), she was honored by the Burmese government with the high title of Aggam Mahaganthavachak Pandit for her eloquence, knowledge of Abhidhamma, and scholarly qualities. She is the first Nepali woman to receive this title.
- Adult Education – She taught literacy to those who couldn’t read or write, encouraging them with gifts upon passing exams. This approach has helped many adults gain literacy skills.
- Conflict Resolution – She has a remarkable ability to resolve domestic and family disputes using Buddhist teachings.
- Publishing and Charity – She has formed a group to publish books featuring photos of deceased relatives and birthdays to spread religious teachings. Her efforts have led to the publication of dozens of books, making Dharmakirti the first monastery to produce Buddhist literature.
- Promotion of Nepali Culture – To instill a sense of equality and cultural pride, she has arranged for traditional Nepali attire for visitors to the vihara. This initiative supports the local economy and promotes national identity.
- Respect for Mother Tongue – She has been publishing the Dharmakirti magazine in Nepali for a long time, earning her the title of Bhashathuwa. She is the first woman to publish a book in the Nepali language.
- Contributions to Lumbini – She built the first Gautami Theravada Buddha Vihara in Lumbini, facing many challenges. She also established the Dharmakirti Buddhist Study Seminar to inspire youth, resulting in many becoming good citizens. Bhikshu Ashwaghosh and Ms. Do Gunavati Guruma have significantly contributed to this endeavor.
- Media and Community Work – She was the first to give Abhidhamma discourses on the Image Channel and has organized various community activities, including free health clinics, short-term Rishini pravajya, and religious visits to Buddhist countries. Her leadership has made Dharmakirti the best temple in Nepal.
Active in writing and publishing, she has built around a dozen temples as branches of Dharmakirti. Guruma, who succeeded in becoming Buddha’s daughter Shakyadhita by advancing Buddhist teachings, is an inspiration and pride for all of us. Her contributions should be recognized by including her biography in school and college curricula. This recognition would honor Guruma and be a matter of national pride. Therefore, I offer my best wishes for a long, healthy life to Reverend Dhammavati Guruma, who possesses an extraordinary personality.
Special Facilitation for the Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dhammawati Guruma
The Buddhist spiritual magazine “Samyak Sandesh,” which upholds the principle of “Practice of Samyak Karma, respect during life,” has celebrated the unparalleled contributions of the renowned Theravada Buddhist personality, Shradheya Dhammavati Guruma, with a special event called “Samyak Abhinandan.” The honor was dedicated during the “Dhammmavati Virat Mahotsav” held at the Nepal Pragya Institute. During this occasion, the “Dhammmavati Veerata Padak”-2081 was also presented to four dozen other distinguished personalities who have made significant contributions to society. The special guest at the ceremony was the Most Venerable Bhikkhu Tapassidhamma Thero, who holds numerous prominent positions, including President of the Charumati Stupa Development & Conservation, Vice President of the World Alliance of Buddhists (WAB), Executive Committee Member of the All Nepal Bhikkhu Association, Chief Advisor of the Cultural Peace Walk Committee, Chief Abbot of Sri Charumati Buddha Vihar, and Founder and President of Charumathi Buddhist Mission – Nepal, Kathmandu. The event was chaired by Shyamalal Chitar, advisor of Samyak Sandesh and coordinator of the Venerable Gurumam Appreciation Ceremony Committee, and Bhupal Rai, Chancellor of Nepal Prajna-Pratisthana, was the chief guest.
In his speech, the Most Venerable Bhikkhu Tapassidhamma Thero recounted the story of Maha Prajapathi Gothami, the sister of Queen Maha Maya Devi, who cared for Prince Siddhartha after the Queen’s passing. After King Suddhodana’s death, Prajapathi Gothami wished to become a Bhikkhuni (nun). Despite initially refusing her request three times, the Buddha eventually permitted her ordination following Ven. Ananda Thera’s intercession, subject to eight Ashta Garu Dharma rules. These rules ensured respect and good conduct between Bhikkhunis and Bhikkhus. With the establishment of the Bhikkhuni Sasana, women gained the freedom to be ordained, follow the Dhamma, and attain enlightenment. Ven. Ananda Thera played a significant role in this establishment, despite facing criticism from some men. The revolution was a major blessing for women, leading to the flourishing of the Bhikkhuni Sasana. Most Venerable Bhikkhu Tapassidhamma Thero shed light on the historical role of Charumati, a renowned Buddhist nun, and highlighted the presence of nuns during the Lichchavi period in Nepal. He noted that Guruma Dhammavati, who left home at the tender age of 14, has become a highly respected personality in Buddhism.
The program included several prominent figures, such as Pandit Sasandhaj Dhammachariyya Bhashathuva, Reverend Dhammavati Guruma, Dr. Dharmavijay Guruma, educationist and social worker Kedarnath Shrestha, consultant and ex-monk Dr. Laxman Shakya, writer and fellow Lochantara Tuladhar, writer, critic, and deputy professor Gyannisht Gyawali, and others. The event was attended by hundreds of Buddhist sages, intellectuals, and dignitaries. Chief guest Bhupal Rai expressed his privilege in honoring Dhammavati Guruma, a prominent figure in the propagation of Theravada Buddhism. He emphasized the importance of cooperation among all communities and languages in promoting Buddhist education, knowledge, and philosophy. Writer Vice-Prof. Gyannisht Gyawali highlighted that all religions and philosophies inspire benevolence, renunciation, and asceticism. He praised Guruma for dedicating her life to Theravada Buddhism and considered it a great merit to witness her honoring ceremony. Lochantara Tuladhar stressed the importance of imparting Buddhist knowledge to the youth and praised Dharmakirti Vihar, established under Guruma’s leadership, for its effectiveness. He mentioned that honoring her in Nepal sends a strong message about her global influence.
Goma Regmi, secretary of the International Literary Society of Portugal, and Radha Karki of Nepal Pragya Foundation recited poems about Guruma. Deepak Vetuwal, president of “Samayak Sandesh,” read a collective congratulatory letter and announced the release of the thirty-third issue of “Samayak Sandesh” magazine. He mentioned that birthdays and promotion days are celebrated with various programs throughout the year. Shyamalal Chitrakar expressed that honoring Guruma, a worshiper of Theravada Buddhism recognized internationally, is a significant achievement and hoped to assimilate her knowledge and teachings. During the ceremony, various distinguished individuals were honored with the Dhammavati Gaurav Medal and certificates, including Keshavati Guruma, Dr. Dhammavijay Guruma, Kushalnani Guruma, Sadachari Guruma, Krishna Bahadur Shrestha, Ghanshyam Rajakarnikar, Sanghratna Shakya, Amritman Tamrakar, Dr. Suman Kamal Tuladhar, Keshavman Painter, Madhav Ghimire ‘Atal,’ Kumar Ranjit, Hiranyakumari Pathak, Chandresh Tuladhar, Jaleshwari Shrestha, Jairam Bidari, Premalakshmi Tuladhar, Indrakumari Carpenter, Prafulla Kamal Tamrakar, Dr. Rina Tuladhar, Lochantara Tuladhar, Chitrashova Tuladhar, Gangaprasad Vetwal, Keshav Dangol, Suresh Kiran Manandhar, Siddharth Ranjit, Seema Khan, Agamyaratna Kansakar, Balaram Jagat, Beti Bajracharya, Vardesh Manandhar, Arunsiddhi Tuladhar, Rama Kansakar, Udyog Ratna Tuladhar, Ratna Sundar Shakya, Rakesh Maharjan, Amrit Ratna Tamrakar, Leeladevi Shrestha, Mishri Ranjit, Madanaratna Manandhar, Ashokananda Bajracharya, Meena Tuladhar, and others from Sumarg Legal Services. The program was facilitated by Deepak Vetwal, President of “Samayak Sandesh” and “Deepsagar.”
Venerable Dhammawati – The Beloved Daughter
Venerable Dhammawati is well known as “Yomha Mhyaya” and “Snehi Chhori” in Nepal, “Tami Chhet” in Myanmar, and globally as “Beloved Daughter.” All three titles mean “Beloved Daughter” in English, reflecting her growing popularity in Myanmar and internationally. In 1963, a Burmese monk, Ven Ra We Thon, wrote a book named “Tami Chhet” in Burmese, describing her life’s adventures. This book was subsequently translated into Newari as “Yomha Mhyaya,” Nepali as “Snehi Chhori,” and English as “Beloved Daughter.” The translation of her biography into several languages signifies that Venerable Dhammawati’s journey is legendary, transcending geopolitical and cultural boundaries as a role model in the Buddhist world.
A Journey of Dedication – After achieving the title of Sasandhaja Dhammachariya in Myanmar, she returned to Nepal with a Burmese nun, Ma Gunawati, who later became popular as Maguna Guruma. Together, they initiated transformative changes in the socio-cultural and religious spheres. In 1965, Venerable Dhammawati established Dharmakirti Vihara in the heart of Kathmandu, marking the first active and versatile nunnery in Nepal. She shifted the concept of a nunnery from a place of spiritual and religious prayers to a “Dynamic Learning Center.” This vihara became a hub for socio-cultural movements, promoting Theravada Buddhist culture among laypeople.
Major Contributions of Dhammawati –
- Socio-cultural Reforms – Venerable Dhammawati’s captivating oratory and ability to relate to everyday life enabled her to bring significant social reforms. She introduced “Temporary Ordination” for young girls and boys and encouraged people to publish books on Buddhism instead of spending on death rituals. Her motivational personality drew women out of their homes, leading to regular Buddha Puja participation. She emphasized the importance of engaging young people in vihara activities, initiating Baudha Pariyati classes and the Buddhist Study Circle for youth in 1971. Her leadership has produced dhamma leaders who continue to teach and lead these activities. Despite being 91 years old, she continues to provide systematic Buddhist education, from Jatakas to Abhidhamma.
- Women Empowerment – Venerable Dhammawati’s efforts have significantly empowered women. Weekly Buddha Puja meetings led to various social activities, including pilgrimages and team-building events, fostering a sustainable Buddhist community and producing women leaders. She also organized adult literacy classes, empowering women who had never had the opportunity for formal education.
- Promotion of Young Buddhist Nuns – About 50 years ago, an informal study revealed that while monks sought education, most nuns became nuns due to personal loss or domestic issues. Venerable Dhammawati encouraged young people to become nuns, resulting in many young girls joining the nunhood and taking on social and spiritual responsibilities. She ensured they received formal education and further studies abroad, creating a new culture of educated nuns. She also became the first bhikkhuni in Nepal after receiving full ordination in Los Angeles in 1988. During the COVID-19 lockdown, she initiated online weekly discourses by young nuns, significantly contributing to their capacity building. A fund established by her followers supports these activities.
- Promotion of Buddhist Publications – Venerable Dhammawati has greatly contributed to Buddhist literature, with Dharmakirti Vihara publishing over 300 booklets in various languages. The monthly magazine Dharmakirti, started in 1972, continues to be published. She has written or translated over 50 books and was awarded the title “Bhasha Thuwa” by Nepal Bhasha Parishad in 1999 for her contributions to literature in Nepal Bhasha.
- Vihara as a Learning Center – Venerable Dhammawati transformed the concept of a vihara into a vibrant learning center. She established the Dharmakirti Preservation Trust for daily activities, comprising nine units with more planned.
Conclusion – Venerable Dhammawati, known as the “Beloved Daughter,” began her journey at the age of 14 and continues to promote Buddhism at 91. She is a role model, teacher, and advisor to nuns and monks, respected by both Buddhists and non-Buddhists. High-level politicians, including Prime Ministers, attend her events. Her contributions are recognized nationally and internationally, earning her the title “Agga Mahagantha Vachaka Pandit” from the Burmese government in 1995. She truly is the “Yomha Mhyaya” of the world.
Name | Guruma Dhammawati |
Date of Birth | 1934 A.D., July |
Place of Birth | Rudravarna Mahavihara, Lalitpur, Nepal |
Date of Ordination | As a Buddhist Nun: 26th of November 1948 A.D. |
Place of ordination | Kushinagar, India |
Leading teachers | Bhikkhu Buddhaghosh and Bhikkhu Dhammavuda |
Nationality | Nepali |
Sex | Female |
Main Language | Nepal Bhasha |
Second Language | Burmese |
Other Languages | Pali, Nepali and Hindi |
Name of Father | Harsh Man Shakya |
Name of Mother | Hera Thakun Shakya |
Family | Two elder brothers and two younger brothers |
Permanent Address | Dharmakirti Vihar, Shreegha, Naghal Tole, Kathmandu, Nepal |
Home name | Ganesh Kumari Shakya |
Studies | Went to Burma (Myanmar) in 1948 for study Buddhism. Achieved ‘SasanadhajaDhammacariya’(the person, capable of raising the flag of Dhamma) degree in 26th August, 1962 from Khemarama Nuns Study Centre, Moulmine, Burma. (First Foreign citizen to achieve the degree) – Came back to Nepal – 19th September 1963 with Daw Gunawati and Ratna Manjari Gurma. |
Titles | 1962 – Sasanadhaja Dhammacariya, Burma 1995 – Aggamahaganthavacaka Pandita’ (Title granted by the Govt. of Myanmar) 1995 – Jnanmala Ratnavata Sirapaa’ (Granted by Swoyambhu Jnanmala Bhajan Sangh) 1999 – ‘Bhasha Thuwah’ (Language Owner, by Nepal Bhasha Parishad) |
Books | 1963 – ‘Temi Chhet’ or ‘Beloved Daughter’ (Language Burmese), writer – Bhikkhu Tilok Nyana Mahathera, Ra We Thwon 1970 – ‘Yomha Mhyaya’ (Translated in Nepal Bhasha by Bhikkhu Jnanapurnika Mahathera) 1983 – ‘Snehee Chhori’ (Translated in Nepali by Moti Kazi Shakya) 2016 – Beloved Daughter’ (Translated in English by Geeta Manandhar and others) 2021 – ‘Butari Phoo Peyn Hang Duwong’ (Beloved Daughter in Thai Language, Translated by Bhikkhu Fokana) 1992 – ‘Anagarika Dhammawati, Writer Ratna Sundar Shakya |
Contribution in Buddhism: | 1965 – Established ‘Dharma Kirti Vihar”, Kathmandu Dhamma Missionary works throughout the country from the early days Launched – Regular program of Buddhapuja. Dhamma preaching on every special day of lunar calender. Temporary Rishini Ordination for young girls in vihar since 1976 1972 – Established Dharmakirti Buddhist Study Circle for the youth 1976 – Established Anagarika (Nuns) Vihar at Banepa and later donated to construct Buddhist home for aged- 1994 1982 – Established Dharmakirti Basundhara Vihar at Basundhara, Kathmandu 1991 – Established Nepal Buddha Vihar at Saranath, India 1995 – Established International Nuns Gautami Vihar at Lumbini Garden 1988 – Established ‘Dharmakirti Vihar Conservation Committee’. 1999 – Established a Trust for yearly conduction of ‘Abhidhamma Chanting’ |
Special help for establishing different institutes | 1993 – Dhyankuti Vihar, Banepa 1985 – International Buddhist Meditation Center (IBMC), Kathmandu 1993 – Buddhist home for Aged- Banepa 1996 – Sulakshyan Kirti Vihar, Chobhar / Social or health service: Progamme launched – Free health clinic. Weekly, in the Vihar Premises Programme launched – Blood donation programme, yearly, since 1983 Programme launched – Eye donation programme Programme launched – Help for suffered victims of different natural calamities. Programme launched – Pilgrims tours at different holy places since 1973 |
Literature service | Publishing pocket calendar Written over 40 books on Buddhism in Nepal Bhasha and 3 books in Nepali. Established Dharmakirti Publication and published over 350 Dhamma books in Nepal Bhasha, Nepali and English language. Publisher and adviser of ‘Dharmakirti” monthly Buddhist Magazine since1973 Relationship between different institutes 1965 – President – Dharma Kirti Vihar 1972 – President – Dharmakirti Buddhist Study Circle 1998 – President – Buddhist home for aged, Banepa 2000 – President – International Nuns Association, Nepal Director – International Buddhist Meditation Center, Nepal 1996-1999 – Advisor – Dharmodaya Sabha 2002 – Vice-President – Dharmodaya Sabha 2002 – Vice-President – Nepal Bhasha Academy Advisor – Lumbini Buddhist University Council 1999 – Member – Dharmodaya Sabha 1987 – Member – Shakyadhita International Nuns Association 1997 – Member – Lumbini Development Trust |
Miscellaneous | Handover the Land ownership to Dharmakirti Vihar Conservation Trust |
Countries visited | Burma, India, Thailand, Japan, America, Sri-Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Cambodia, Taiwan, China etc. |
Awards | OWBA – The 23rd Outstanding Women in Buddhism Awards (OWBA) Ceremony – 2024″ – International Women’s Day – March 08, 2024, at E-Da Royal Hotel, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. |
थेरवादकी शिखर व्यक्तित्वलाई सम्यक् सम्मान अर्पण – जयराम बिडारी – वैशाख १५, काठमाडौँ
‘’सम्यक कर्मको अनुशीलन, जीवनकालमै सम्मान’’ भावलाई मूल मन्त्र बनाएको बौद्ध आध्यात्मिक पत्रिका ‘सम्यक् सन्देश’ले थेरवादी बौद्ध धर्मकी सुविख्यात व्यक्तित्व श्रद्धेय धम्मवती गुरुमाँको अतुलनीय योगदानको कदर गर्दै ‘सम्यक् अभिनन्दन’ सुसम्पन्न गरेको छ । नेपाल प्रज्ञा-प्रतिष्ठानमा ‘धम्मवती वीरता महोत्सव’को आयोजना गरी सो सम्मान समर्पण गरिएको हो । उक्त अवसरमा समाजमा विशिष्ट योगदान दिई आआफ्ना क्षेत्रमा गरिमामय उचाइ प्राप्त गरेका अन्य चार दर्जन विशिष्ट व्यक्तित्वहरूलाई समेत ‘धम्मवती वीरता पदक’-२०८१ अर्पण गरिएको थियो । सम्यक् सन्देशका सल्लाहकार तथा श्रद्धेय गुरुमाँ अभिनन्दन समारोह समितिका संयोजक श्यामलाल चित्रकारको अध्यक्षता तथा नेपाल प्रज्ञा-प्रतिष्ठानका कुलपति भूपाल राईको प्रमुख आतिथ्यमा आयोजित समारोहमा चारुमती बुद्ध विहारका अध्यक्ष भिक्षु तपस्सीधम्म विशेष अतिथि हुनुहुन्थ्यो । अग्गमहागन्थवाचक पण्डित सासनधज धम्माचरीय भाषाथुवा श्रद्धेय धम्मवती गुरुमाँको समुपस्थितिमा सञ्चालित उक्त कार्यक्रम धम्म मोली विहार प्रमुख डा.धर्मविजय गुरुमाँ, शिक्षाविद् एवं समाजसेवी केदारनाथ श्रेष्ठ, पत्रिकाका सल्लाहकार तथा पूर्व भिक्षु डा.लक्ष्मण शाक्य, लेखक तथा अध्येता लोचनतारा तुलाधर, लेखक समालोचक तथा उप-प्राध्यापक ज्ञाननिष्ठ ज्ञवाली लगायतको समुपस्थिति थियो । सम्मानित हुने व्यक्तित्वहरू लगायत सयौँका सङ्ख्यामा समुपस्थित बौद्धमार्गी तथा बौद्धिक व्यक्तित्वहरू माझ कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न गरिएको हो ।
समारोहलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै प्रमुख अतिथि भूपाल राईले थेरवादी बौद्ध शिक्षाको प्रचारप्रसारका क्षेत्रमा आफ्नो जीवनको ऊर्जाशील समय मात्र नभई पूरै जीवन समर्पण गर्ने विश्वकै प्रभावशाली धम्मवती गुरुमाँलाई सम्मानित गर्न पाउनु नै अहोभाग्य रहेको बताए । कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै राईले ‘सबै भाषा सबै ज्ञान, सबैको प्रज्ञा- प्रतिष्ठान’ भन्ने नारा अङ्गीकार गरिएको बताउँदै सबै ज्ञानभित्र बुद्ध शिक्षा, ज्ञान र दर्शनसमेत अटाउने भएकोले सहकार्यका लागि प्रज्ञा-प्रतिष्ठान सबै वर्ग समुदाय तथा भाषाभाषीसँग सहकार्य गर्न तत्पर रहेको बताउनुभयो । आफू फरक क्षेत्र,भाषा र धर्मको रहेको भए तापनि आदरणीय व्यक्तित्वलाई प्रज्ञा- प्रतिष्ठानको कुलपतिको हैसियतमा सम्मान गर्न पाउनु अहोभाग्य रहेको बताउनुभयो । यसै गरी साहित्यकार उप-प्रा. ज्ञाननिष्ठ ज्ञवालीले सबै धर्म र दर्शनले परोपकारी,त्यागी,तपस्वी हुनका लागि प्रेरित गर्ने बताउँदै आमा आफैँमा प्रिय शब्द हुने दाबी गर्दै त्यसमा पनि थेरवादी बुद्ध धर्मको प्रचार प्रसारमा पूरै जीवन समर्पण गर्ने धम्मवती गुरुमाँलाई अभिनन्दन गर्ने कार्यक्रमको साक्षी बस्ने अवसरका लागि समेत ठूलै पुण्यको कमाइले मात्र पाइने बताउनुभयो । लोचनतारा तुलाधरले युवाहरूलाई बौद्ध ज्ञान दिनुपर्छ भन्दै धम्मवती गुरुमाँको अगुवाइमा स्थापना गरिएको धर्मकीर्ति विहार धम्मवती गुरुमाँकै सबल नेतृत्वमा सञ्चालन गरिएकोले प्रभावकारी रहेको जिकिर गर्नुभयो । गुरुमाँको विश्वव्यापी रूपमा कीर्ति फैलिरहेको बताउँदै अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय ध्यान केन्द्र ताइवानको अगुवाइमा नेपालमै आई उहाँको सम्मान गरिनु गुरुमाको प्रभाव देश देशावरमा छ भन्ने सन्देश भएको राय व्यक्त गर्नुभयो ।
कार्यक्रममा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय साहित्य समाज पोर्चुगलकी सचिव गोमा रेग्मीले गुरुमाँको बारेमा छन्द कविता तथा नेपाल नेपाल प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठानकी राधा कार्कीले मुक्तछन्दको कविता वाचन गर्नुभएको थियो । कार्यक्रममा सामूहिक रुपमा अभिनन्दन गरिने अभिनन्दन पत्रको व्यहोरा कार्यक्रम सञ्चालकसमेत रहनुभएका ‘सम्यक् सन्देश’का अध्यक्ष दीपक भेटुवाल ‘दीपसागर’ले वाचन गर्नुभएको थियो । सो अवसरमा ‘सम्यक् सन्देश’ पत्रिकाको तेत्तीसौँ अङ्कसमेत विमोचन गरिएको थियो । भेटवालले वर्षैभरि विभिन्न कार्यक्रमको आयोजना गरी जन्मदिन तथा प्रवर्जित दिवस मनाउने पनि अवगत गराउनुभयो । यसै सिलसिलामा श्यामलाल चित्रकारले अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा सुविख्यात थेरवादी बौद्ध धर्मको उपासक गुरुमाँलाई सम्मान गर्न पाउनु अहोभाग्य रहेको बताउँदै गुरुमाँको ज्ञान र उपदेशलाई आत्मसात गर्न सकेमा ठुलो उपलब्धि हुने विचार व्यक्त गर्नुभयो । समारोहमा केशावती गुरुमाँ , डा. धम्मविजय गुरुमाँ कुशलञाणी गुरुमा सदाचारी गुरुमा, कृष्णबहादुर श्रेष्ठ, घनश्याम राजकर्णिकार , सङ्घरत्न शाक्य, अमृतमान ताम्राकार, डा. सुमन कमल तुलाधर, केशवमान चित्रकार, माधव घिमिरे ‘अटल’, कुमार रञ्जित, हिरण्यकुमारी पाठक, चन्द्रेश तुलाधर, जलेश्वरी श्रेष्ठ, जयराम बिडारी, प्रेमलक्ष्मी तुलाधर, इन्द्रकुमारी नकर्मी, प्रफुल्ल कमल ताम्राकार, डा. रिना तुलाधर, लोचनतारा तुलाधर, चित्राशोभा तुलाधर, गङ्गाप्रसाद भेटवाल, केशव डङ्गोल, सुरेश किरण मानन्धर, सिद्धार्थ रञ्जित, सीमा खान, अगम्यरत्न कंसाकार, बलराम जगत, बेटी बज्राचार्य, वरदेश मानन्धर,अरुणसिद्धि तुलाधर, रमा कंसाकार, उद्योग रत्न तुलाधर, रत्न सुन्दर शाक्य, सुमार्ग क़ानुनी सेवाका राकेश महर्जन, अमृत रत्न ताम्राकार, लीलादेवी श्रेष्ठ, मिश्री रञ्जित, मदनरत्न मानन्धर, अशोकानन्द बज्राचार्य, मीना तुलाधरलगायतलाई धम्मवती गौरव पदक तथा प्रमाण-पत्रद्वारा सम्मानित गरिएको थियो ।
कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै धम्मवती गुरुमाँले परिवर्तनशील संसारमा हामीले सदैव असल कर्म गर्दै जानुपर्ने बताउँदै हरेक मानिस गुण र दोषको सम्मिश्रण हुने भएकोले यो मान्छे मनपर्छ, यो मन पर्दैन नभनी मानिसले मानिसलाई मात्र नभई समग्र प्राणी र प्रकृतिको माया गर्नु नै समस्त मानव जातिको उद्देश्य रहनुपर्ने बताउनुभयो । समधर्मको सार रहेको करुणा, दया, प्रेम र अहिंसाको पक्षपाती हुनुपर्ने भन्दै नश्वर जीवनमा असल गुणले भरिपूर्ण मानव बन्नका लागि हरदम प्रयत्न गर्नुपर्नेमा जोड दिनुभयो । यसै क्रममा चारुमती बुद्ध विहारका अध्यक्ष भिक्षु तपस्सीधम्मले बुद्ध धर्मका प्रशिद्ध भिक्षुणी चारुमतीको ऐतिहासिक भूमिकाका बारेमा प्रकाश पार्नुभयो। नेपालमा लिच्छवि समयमा भिक्षुणि शासन रहेको थियो भक्तपुर र काठमाडौं चाबहिलमा भिक्सुणी ५०० जना बसेको एतिहासिकमा उल्लेख गरेको छ । उहाँले गुरुमाँ धम्मवतीसमेत १४ वर्षको कलिलो उमेरमा गृहत्याग गरी बुद्ध धर्ममा प्रवर्जित एक असाधारण क्षमताको प्रतिमूर्तिको रुपमा अत्यन्त सम्मानित व्यक्तित्व रहेको बताउनुभयो । ‘सम्यक् सन्देश’का अध्यक्ष दीपक भेटवाल ‘दीपसागर’द्वारा सो कार्यक्रमको सहजीकरण गरिएको थियो ।
असाधारण व्यक्तित्व:धम्मवती गुरुमां – प्रेमलक्ष्मी तुलाधर
भिक्षुणी धम्मवती भन्नासाथ हामी सबैको अगाडि एक अदम्य साहसी, निडर, नि:स्वार्थ, समताको प्रतिमूर्ति, धर्म विदुषी, शीलाचारी र धर्माचारी व्यक्तित्व ज्ञात हुन्छ । उहाँ सासनधज धम्माचरिय अग्गमहागण्थवाचक पण्डित र भाषाथुवा:जस्ता अनेकौं विभुषणहरुबाट विभुषित हुनुहुन्छ । नेपालमा बुद्ध शासनलाई चिरस्थायी तुल्याउन अहोरात्र सक्रिय उहाँ दया, माया र करुणाको प्रतिमूर्ति हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँ के हो ? को हो ? कस्तो व्यक्तित्व हुनुहुन्छ ? उहाँबारे मैले बुझेका कुराहरूलाई प्रमुख बुँदाको रूपमा प्रस्तुत गर्ने प्रयत्न गरेको छु । १. उहाँ धम्मवती गुरुमां वि.सं. १९९१ साल असार पूर्णिमाको दिन पिता हर्षमान शाक्य र माता हेराथंकु शाक्यको कोखबाट पुत्रीरत्नको रुपमा ललितपुरको ओकुबहालमा जन्मनु भएको थियो । २. १४ वर्षको उमेरमा आमा र भाइलाई मात्र जानकारी गराएर पैदल यात्रा गरि बुद्ध धर्म अध्ययन गर्न बर्मा जानुभएको थियो । तर बौद्ध धर्म अध्ययन गर्न बर्मा जान लागेको विषयमा उहाँको पिता बेखबर हुनुहुन्थ्यो । बर्मा पुग्नुअगाडि भारतको कुशिनगरमा बर्मेली भिक्षु धम्माबुध भन्तेको उपाध्यायत्वमा प्रवर्जित हुनुभएको थियो ।
३. कुशल वाकसिद्धि कलाका कारण उहाँलाई बर्मामै बस्न आग्रह गरिएको थियो । तर उहाँ बुद्ध धर्म प्रचार र घरभित्र सिमित नेपाली महिलाहरुलाई जागरुक गर्न स्वदेश फर्कने निर्णय गर्दै गुणवती गुरुमांको साथमा वि.सं. २०२० मा नेपाल फर्किनुयो । ४. नेपाल फर्कनेबित्तिकै उहाँले विभिन्न ठाउँमा धार्मिक प्रवचन दिन प्रारम्भ गर्नुभयो । बुद्धको उपदेशलाई सरल, सहज र मिहिन ढंगबाट व्याख्या गर्ने उहाँको कलात्मक प्रस्तुतिलाई अनगिन्ती मानिसले रुचाउन थाले । उहाँको चर्चाले शहर तात्न थाल्यो । कतिपय मानिसहरू उहाँको प्रवचन सुन्न लालायित हुन थाले । अन्धकारमा रुमलिएका मानिसलाई उहाँको उपदेश अमृतसमान बन्न पुग्यो । जसको माध्यमबाट असंख्य मानिसहरू धर्मको ज्ञानबाट तृप्त बन्न पुगे । विस्तारै उहाँ एक विख्यात धर्मगुरुको रूपमा परिचित हुनुभयो । ५. नेपालको भिक्षुणीहरुमध्ये उच्च स्थानमा प्रतिस्थापित उहाँ बहुआयामिक, प्रतिभाशाली र सर्वगुण सम्पन्न हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँको शिक्षणविधि अत्यन्त प्रभावकारी र व्यवहारिक रहेको छ । उहाँले आफ्नो प्रवचनमा बालबालिकालाई विशेष जोड दिने गर्नुभएको छ । बालबालिकाहरु देशका कर्णधार हुन र बच्चादेखि नै राम्रो शिक्षा दियो भने भविष्यमा कर्तव्यनिष्ठ, इमान्दार र जिम्मेवार भएर आमाबाबुको साहारा हुन्छन् र साथै देशको निम्ति पनि सार्थक योगदान दिन सक्षम हुन्छन् भन्ने उहाँको धारणा छ । ६. प्रायजसो नेपाली समाजमा महिलाहरुलाई महिनावारी भएको समयमा पूजापाठ लगायत अनेक प्रकारका गतिविधि गर्नबाट बन्चित गर्ने गरिएको छ । उहाँ यस्तो प्रतिबन्धलाई अन्धविश्वासको रूपमा लिनुहुन्छ । महिनावारी प्राकृतिक नियम भएकाले पूजापाठ लगायतका कुनै पनि कार्य गर्नमा रोक्न नहुने उहाँको मान्यता छ । उहाँ एक स्पष्ट, प्रेरणादायी र कुशल मार्गदर्शक हुनुहुन्छ ।
७. वाकसिद्धि, अभिधम्मको ज्ञाता, बौद्ध ग्रन्थ कण्ठस्थ गर्न सक्ने, लोकुतर धर्म बुझेको, शुद्ध रुपले बोल्ने र सबैभन्दा अग्रज पण्डित गुण भएको कारणले उहाँ बर्मा सरकारबाट २०५१ सालमा अग्गमहागन्थवाचक पण्डितको उच्च उपाधिबाट सम्मानित हुनुभएको थियो । उक्त उपाधिबाट सम्मानित हुने उहाँ नेपालकै पहिलो महिला हुनुहुन्छ । ८. पढ्न लेख्न नजान्ने मानिसहरुलाई वोर्डमा क,ख लेखेर उहाँले सिकाउने गर्नुभएको थियो । प्रौढ कक्षाको माध्यमबाट जाँचमा पास हुनेलाई प्रोत्साहन स्वरूप उपहार दिएर हौसला प्रदान गर्नु उहाँको विशेषता रहेकोे छ । ९. घरायसी र पारिवारिक कलहमा रुमलिएका परिवारलाई बुद्ध शिक्षाको माध्यमबाट मेलमिलाप गराउने कार्यमा उहाँको उच्च क्षमता रहेकोे छ । १०. धर्म प्रचार गर्नका लागि दिवंगत आफन्त र जन्मदिनको अवसरमा फोटोसहितको पुस्तक प्रकाशन गर्न उहाँले समूह खडा गर्नुभएको छ । धर्मदान जस्तो महत्त्वपूर्ण र पुण्य कार्यमा उहाँले मानिसहरूलाई प्रेरित गर्दै आउनु भएको छ । उहाँकै सक्रियतामा दर्जनौं पुस्तकहरु प्रकाशन भएका छन् । यसरी बौद्ध किताब निकाल्ने धर्मकीर्ति पहिलो विहार हो ।
११. विहारमा सबै वर्गका मानिसहरू आउने र सबैमा समानताको भाव जागोस् भन्ने अभिप्रायले बुद्ध पूजामा आउनेहरूलाई चारकुने सारी, ढाकाको चोलो र ढाकाको खाष्टोको प्रबन्ध गर्नुभएको छ । नेपाली कपडाको पोशाक राख्ने धर्मकीर्ति नै पहिलो विहार हो । नेपालमै उत्पादन भएको कपडा प्रयोग गर्न प्रेरित गरेर उहाँले देशको आर्थिक अवस्थालाई टेवा दिने प्रयत्न गर्नुभएको छ । १२. आफ्नो मातृभाषाप्रति उहाँको उच्च सम्मान छ । उहाँले विगत लामो समयदेखि नेपाल भाषाबाट धर्मकीर्ति पत्रिकाको प्रकाशन गर्दै आउनु भएको छ । त्यसैले उहाँ भाषाथुवा को उपाधिबाट पनि विभूषित हुनुभएको छ । नेपाल भाषाबाट किताब छापाउने उहाँ पहिलो महिला व्यक्तित्व हुनुहुन्छ । १३.लुम्बिनीमा पहिलो गौतमी थेरवाद बुद्ध विहार बनाउने उहाँ नै हो । उक्त विहार बनाउन उहाँले अनेक संघर्ष गर्नुभएको सबैलाई अवगत छ । युवाहरूलाई बुद्ध शिक्षाको माध्यमबाट धर्म प्रचारका लागि प्रेरित गर्न धर्मकीर्ति बौद्ध अध्ययन गोष्ठी स्थापना गर्नुभयो । जसले गर्दा धेरै युवाहरु असल नागरिक बन्न सफल भएका छन् । यो कार्यमा भिक्षु अश्वघोष र मा.दो गुणवती गुरुमांको पनि ठूलो योगदान रहेको छ । यस्तै उहाँले व्यक्तित्व विकास, सीपमूलक तालिम, हस्तकला उत्पादन, त्यसको प्रदर्शन, बौद्ध हाजिरीजवाफ प्रतियोगिता, बुद्धकालीन कथावस्तुमा आधारित नाटक निर्माण र प्रदर्शन, पुस्तकालयको सञ्चालन, अति नै महत्त्वपूर्ण अभिधम्म कक्षाको प्रारम्भ, डिजिटल भिडियो उत्पादन र त्यसको माध्यमबाट धर्म प्रचार गर्ने आदि कार्यमा उहाँले ऐतिहासिक सफलता प्राप्त गर्नुभएको छ ।
१४. इमेज च्यानलमा अभिधम्म विषयमा प्रवचन दिने उहाँ पहिलो व्यक्तित्व हुनुहुन्छ । वृद्ध वृद्धाको निम्ति नि:शुल्क स्वास्थ्य क्लिनिक, अल्पकालीन ऋषिणी प्रवज्या, बौद्ध देशहरूको धार्मिक भ्रमण, विहारको गतिविधिलाई व्यवस्थित गर्न विभिन्न समूहको गठन, ज्ञानमाला भजन समूहको स्थापना, सरसफाइ अभियान आदि क्रियाकलापमा उहाँले दुरगामी सफलता हासिल गर्नुभएको छ । उहाँकै कुशल र सक्षम नेतृत्वका कारण धर्मकीर्ति नेपालकै उत्कृष्ट विहार बन्न सफल भएको छ । पुस्तक लेखन र प्रकाशनमा सक्रिय उहाँले धर्मकीर्तिको शाखाको रुपमा विभिन्न ठाउँमा झन्डै एक दर्जन विहारहरु निर्माण गर्नुभएको छ । बुद्ध शासनको उन्नतिका निम्ति अनेक कार्यहरू गरेर बुद्धकी छोरी शाक्यधिता बन्न सफल गुरुमां हामी सबैको प्रेरणा र गौरव हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँलाई बौद्धहरुले मात्र होइन, सबै नेपालीले बुझ्न जरुरी छ । त्यसैले अब नेपाल सरकारले गुरुमांको जीवनी हरेक स्कूल र कलेजको पाठ्य पुस्तकमा समाविष्ट गरोस् भन्ने कामना पनि गर्दछु । यो गर्नु गुरुमांप्रतिको ठूलो सम्मान हो । यो देशको लागि पनि गौरवको विषय हो । अत: असाधारण व्यक्तित्वको धनी पूजनीय धम्मवती गुरुमांलाई दीर्घायु, निरोगी तथा सुस्वास्थको मंगलमय शुभकामना अर्पण गर्दछु ।
Buddhika Sanjeewa
After visit to Kathmandu, Nepal.
Special Thanking to –
01 – Most Venerable Bhikkhu Tapassidhamma Thero – The President of the Charumati Stupa Development & Conservation, Vice President of the World Alliance of Buddhists (WAB), Executive Committee Member of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association, The Chief Advisor of Cultural Peace Walk Committee, The Chief Abbot of Sri Charumati Buddha Vihar & Founder and President of “Charumathi Buddhist Mission – Nepal”, Kathmandu, Nepal.
02 – Ms. Prelamakshmi Tuladhar
03 – Mr. Deepak Vetwal – President of “Samayak Sandesh” & “Deepsagar”
04 – Mr. Sumon Kamal Tuladhar, Ed.D.
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